Peaceful Protests or Riots?

Essential Question: Should the use of tear gas and other chemical agents against protestors be permitted?


  • PS1A: Structure & Properties of Matter

  • PS1B: Chemical Reactions

  • Engaging in Argument from Evidence (SEP)

Chemistry students can conduct a case study on the chemicals in tear gas in the context of chemical attacks on peaceful protestors in 2020 and other historical uprisings. More advanced Chemistry students could analyze the chemical structure of the molecules and model the chemical pathway of certain ingredients as they react with the respiratory system to cause tearing and other symptoms. Knowing this, they could evaluate “cures” for those affected. For introductory Chemistry courses, students may research the components of tear gas (and/or other chemical agents) as an introduction to reading MSDS safety data. Students can then use their research to practice Claim-Evidence-Reasoning and advocate against police and/or military use of tear gas.


Toxic to Whom?


“Test Tube Babies”