Born This Way

Essential Questions (examples):

  • Should states allow conversion therapy for LGBTQ youth and adults?

  • Should addiction be treated as a medical or behavioral concern?

  • Are violent tendencies inborn and can they predict or explain violent crimes?

  • How and when should a person’s gender be determined?


  • LS3A: Inheritance of Traits

  • Engaging in Argument from Evidence (SEP)

  • Analyzing and Interpreting Data (SEP)

  • Cause and Effect (CCC)

gay gene.jpeg

In 2011, Lady Gaga’s hit single proclaimed that she was “Born This Way.” The out bisexual singer’s latest song quickly became an LGBTQ anthem at the peak of a queer civil rights movement.The debate over whether sexual orientation is genetic (“nature”) or learned (“nurture”) has many policy implications. For example, understanding the biological cause of sexual orientation could influence whether states allow for conversion therapies aimed at changing a person’s sexuality. 

The nature-nurture debate has wide-ranging policy implications in other fields as well. For example, the increased evidence of a genetic component of addiction has resulted in increased medicalization and improved healthcare for those suffering from addiction. Another gene called the “warrior gene” (MAOA gene) has been linked with violent tendencies and has been used in court to defend (and potentially prosecute) persons accused of violent crime. Lastly, as we begin to learn about genetic or environmental factors that determine gender, states may make changes such as allowing for nonbinary designations on birth certificates and driver’s licenses. 

Image: Medical College of Virginia

Image: Medical College of Virginia

Students can engage in a study of existing data, such as twin studies and other peer-reviewed research, to draw their own conclusions and make policy recommendations to local organizations or elected officials. 


Continuous traits: Breaking Down the Binaries